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Like everyone else we found ourselves working from home due to COVID-19. We had planned for the looming lockdown and had actually decided to close the office a few days before the Government started to enforce things.

Part of this planning was to get all the kit myself, Andy and the team needed to carry on working from home for a few weeks. At the time we were or would be working on extremely low power devices, powered by batteries or in the case of our new Sippr project solar panels so I decided to take one of the excellent Otii analysers home.

The Otii was working well but then my Dad got in touch asking if I would be willing to look at a broken board that had just stopped a bottling plant from working.  This was an old school analog design that somebody else had made and it needed 24V (ish) to debug and fix.  Unfortunately I had taken my bench supplies into the office ages ago for one thing or another which meant I was sans bench supply. A quick rummage though a box of old laptop and things power supplies led me to hacking up an old DVD drive supply which worked ok but was fixed at 20V (actually it was 26V as it was a cheap supply!).

So what I needed was to go into the office to get a supply, or order a shiny new one.  As I like shiny things and wanted to avoid any non essential travel I decided to order one, but I wanted the cheapest I could find as we have lots of nice supplies already so it seemed like a waste to order something good.  Soooo off to Amazon I went to see what I could find

The Amazon smorgasbord of supplies

The Programmable Power supply - but only if you are running Windows

The Windows Software GUI

The Programmable Power supply - but only if you are running Windows